Tuesday, February 9, 2016


"..Trying to pin them down and restrict the way they organize their thoughts is simply counterproductive. Their imaginations and creativity need room to explore. If the curriculum is too tight and too focused, __s will not only be uncomfortable, they may check out entirely and only go through the motions just to get through it as quickly as possible.."

ya Allah.
patut laa memang tak pernah suka kawad dari azali.
setiap saat tengah kawad jiwa terseksaaaa. haha
scary pulak baca pasal personality diri sendiri.
lagi scary bila benda tu sangat betul.
punya la awal2 tu denial :P

dah 25 tahun hidup baru nak belajar kenal diri sendiri.

setiap manusia ibarat cebisan puzzle yang mempunyai bentuk yang berbeza, tapi kalau kita mampu bersama dan menerima sesama kita, kita mungkin akan menghasilkan gambar paling cantik di dunia!


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